Course description

Sean Myers introduces the signature coaching business mentoring program, which aims to provide an overview of the process and lessons. The program includes a core concept, a website, three transformational offers, and a sales system. The core offer is the signature value program, where people learn the bulk of the material. The selling system can be live workshops, webinars, sales pages, or email campaigns.

The core offer is the signature value program, where people learn the bulk of the material. The selling system can be live or automated, and the preferred method is creating a powerful webinar that can be done live or automated. A delivery system for the core program can be any page builder, such as Beaver Builder.

Memberships are not necessary unless you are already an expert in the field. Many clients take years to master their membership software, but a simple WordPress page made with Beaver Builder can be used to deliver the program quickly.

The training page may morph over time, so it's important to have a clear understanding of the process before enrolling in the program. The key components of the signature coaching business include a core concept, a website, three transformational offers, and a sales system. The core offer is the signature value program, where people learn the bulk of the material.

The selling system for the core program can be anything, such as live workshops, webinars, sales pages, or email campaigns. The delivery system should be built on a solid foundation, such as a strong website and a solid delivery system.

What will i learn?


Aishmita Paul




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