Course description

Shawn Meyers presents a demonstration of crafting a hook for a consulting business. He outlines various concepts that can be taught to help different types of people do something, such as offline business, sales funnel marketing, and coaching. The formula used for teaching these concepts is "teaches something to help some type of person do something."

Some of the suggested concepts include business coaching, entrepreneurs, rapid restart, digital marketing for businesses, fitness coaches, and coaches to teach online. The goal is to demonstrate that anyone can teach anything, and the concept of "E stands for entrepreneur" can be applied to any business.

Meyers emphasizes that the teaching business should focus on their target market and the person they can help. They suggest that the ideal client should be someone who can help the consulting business by teaching them what they need most. This can be done by creating a virtual assistant (VA) or creating a membership.

The demonstration concludes by asking the audience to consider themselves a coach or consultant and decide whether they are primarily going to be teaching coaches. They can then slot in their teaching methods into the formula and create a virtual assistant.

The final demonstration focuses on teaching coaches to teach online. The speaker emphasizes that the details in the demonstration should be realistic and easy to understand, making it easier for others to apply the concepts they teach.

In conclusion, Shawn Meyers's presentation provides a comprehensive framework for teaching various concepts and techniques to help businesses grow and succeed. By understanding the principles and techniques behind each topic, individuals can develop a successful and profitable business.

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Aishmita Paul




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